Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Games Day Summary

On this page you will find in order the following.
Golden Deamon Painted Figures
Forge World Models
90% of the Terrain Boards at GD Chicago 2005
G* Convertions and Minis from G*
And Finally Misc items that did not seem to fit into any of the above just right.

There are a lot of picture you can click on them to enlarge the picture or you can save them to you PC.

I hope you enjoy the pictures let me know your thoughts on this page in the forum.


Games Day Golden Deamon Pictures

Here are some of the Golden Deamon Pictures I took at the Chicago Games Day 2005.
I put them in order of the ones I like the most first to least last.
That is to say I liked them all but made my priority choices.
I have no Idea who won.

Converted Papa Nurgle a Little closer up. Posted by Picasa

Converted Papa Nurgle Posted by Picasa

Great Raven Guard Dread Posted by Picasa

Inquisitor Posted by Picasa

Awsome IG Baneblade. Posted by Picasa

Converted Eldar Posted by Picasa

Beware of this many 12" Moving Lightning Claws. Posted by Picasa

View #2 of the IG Diorama Posted by Picasa

IG Diorama Posted by Picasa

Imperial Guard Attacking a resting Dark Eldar! Posted by Picasa

Grey Nights at the ready Posted by Picasa

Nicely Detailed E.C. Rhino Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

New Tau Crisis Suit Golden Deamon Entry Posted by Picasa

Forge World Section

This is the section of pictures of the models from Forge World. I love the detail that are in their models. It is a love hate relationship when it comes to painting that detail as well. Enjoy the pictures.

Yes this is what we all want for Christmas. Posted by Picasa

You wanna Piece of This! Oh I know You want to Own One at Least. Posted by Picasa

Forge World Imperial Guard Misc Posted by Picasa

Elysian Drop Troops Walker Posted by Picasa

Elysian Drop Troops Posted by Picasa

Forgeworld Eldar Tank Add On Death Spinners I believe. Posted by Picasa

Painted Ultra Marine Terminators Posted by Picasa

Close up of New Terminator Posted by Picasa

Close Up of New Space Wolf Terminator Posted by Picasa

New Space Wolf Terminators Posted by Picasa

Out of Focus Drop Pod Posted by Picasa

Whirlwind Posted by Picasa